
Regardless of the type of help you need when it comes to childcare and babysitting, you will find an adequate solution in the Republic of Serbia. At your disposal is a system of public and private institutions that take care of children from the earliest age until they start school.

Preschool children

In the Republic of Serbia, there is a network of public, private and international kindergartens for children. The decision about the type of kindergarten in which you want to enrol your child is up to you. Using nursery and kindergarten services is not mandatory, but preschool education is.

You can enrol your child in kindergarten electronically, via the eGovernment, website, if one of the parents or guardians of the child is a citizen of the Republic of Serbia. Public kindergartens have limited capacities, and in case it is impossible to enrol a child in a public kindergarten, citizens of Serbia have the right to enrol their child in a private kindergarten at the expense of the city budget.

In case you prefer the option of private kindergartens, there is a developed system of private preschool education in all major cities of the Republic of Serbia. There are also international kindergartens where classes are held in foreign languages.

In addition to being in kindergartens and nurseries, parents often need additional help with childcare. In this case, you can seek help at specialized childcare (babysitting) agencies that exist in all major cities in the Republic of Serbia. In Belgrade, there is a Baby Service, founded by the city, which has been providing continuous or occasional babysitting and childcare services for the youngest on the territory of all seventeen municipalities of the city of Belgrade for more than thirty years.

School children

Day care refers primarily to the extended stay of children in schools. This need arises when school classes end before the normal end of parents' working hours. Day care is an option for children from the first to the fourth grade of elementary school and is organized primarily in order to enable children to master school material and homework. In addition, during the day care, the children's individual abilities and skills are developed. Children should be registered for day care when enrolling school, and priority is given to children of single parents and beneficiaries of social aid.

Also, in the Republic of Serbia, there is a large number of private day care centres where you can take your child. Day care centres are designed to meet all the needs of children before and after school, including mastering school material, learning foreign languages, nutrition, play, sports activities, entertainment and other activities.

If you want your child to participate in additional activities that can improve their imagination, creativity and develop additional skills, we recommend summer schools and camps.

Summer schools are organized in all major cities and cover a wide range of topics. The most popular are foreign language schools that are organized both in the Republic of Serbia and abroad, followed by acting, music and sports schools. During the summers, visual art, music or ballet workshops are often organized as well as animated film, comics and caricature workshops. The Children's Cultural Centre of Belgrade offers a program of free summer workshops for children of different ages every summer, and you can stay updated with the program on their official website.

Camps for children are a form of rest, recreation, but also entertainment and education. Various programs are offered, which mainly include sports and recreational activities, art workshops and language schools.
