Opening a business account

After registering the company, you need to open a business account in the bank. The list of banks operating in Serbia is available on the website of the National Bank of Serbia.

To open an account, you will most often need to attach a registration decision, a TIN certificate, an OP form certified by a notary public (which depends from bank to bank), a card of deposited signatures and a signed contract. However, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the necessary documentation on the bank's website before going to the selected bank to open an account, in order to make sure that you have all the necessary documentation.

Companies and entrepreneurs do not need to have a stamp to open a bank account. In the event that a stamp is required from an entrepreneur or a company as a necessary condition for opening a bank account, the request should be reported to the Contact Centre of the Government of the Republic of Serbia or the Contact Centre of the National Bank of Serbia.
