Transfer of money from and to abroad for non-residents - natural persons

Foreign exchange regulations do not provide for limits on the amount of funds that non-residents - foreign citizens can receive from abroad, nor with regards to transfer from their bank accounts in the Republic of Serbia abroad. However, non-residents can transfer funds from their bank accounts in the Republic of Serbia abroad on the condition that they have previously settled their tax obligations to the Republic of Serbia, for which they submit to the bank a certificate from the competent tax authority about settled tax obligations. The transfer of funds abroad from a non-resident savings account is performed free of charge (there is no obligation to submit a certificate of settled tax obligations in the Republic of Serbia).

When foreign citizens acquire resident status after staying in the Republic of Serbia for more than one year, they can, in accordance with the provisions of the Decision on terms and conditions under which residents may hold foreign exchange in bank account abroad (“Official Gazette of the RS” Nos. 31/2012, 71/2013, 98/2013, 125/2014, 102/2015, 37/ 2018, 13/2020 and 67/2023), still have open bank accounts in the country of which they are citizens and transfer foreign currency to those accounts.

During the implementation of these transactions, banks are also obliged to comply with the regulations governing the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, whereby special attention is paid to determining the origin of the funds paid, as well as the beneficiaries of the funds to whom the funds are transferred abroad and the purpose of those transfers.
