Serbia – more than experience!

Feel Serbia!

Serbia is both East and West, North and South! It is the heart of the Western Balkans, with dreamlike rivers, mysterious mountains and unfathomable plains all entangled. It is a great crossroads of worlds and cultures, a historical Phoenix and a magical treasury of tradition. Serbia is a cycle that tirelessly unfolds between earth and sky. You can’t describe Serbia, you have to feel it!


The Danube – poetry inscribed in water!

Choose your lyrics!

The Danube in Serbia is like a romantic poet absorbed in the secrets of life and the cosmos. Flowing through Vojvodina, it sings to the ripe grain and beautiful girls in the fields adorned with sunflowers and poppies. It greets Novi Sad with sonnets about art. In front of Sremski Karlovci, it begins an elegy about the sweet “bermet” wine and the Fruška Gora monasteries. In Zemun, it sings lullabies with river fishermen. When it gets close to Belgrade, it begins a ballad about springtime over rivers and first loves. Near Smederevo, it raises a full glass of sparkling wine and toasts the brave despot in epic verses. At Golubac, it greets the knightly guard with fanfare. In Djerdap, it sings with the Roman legions and smugglers from Babakaj. Near Poreč, it calls the Miroč sorceresses with a shepherd’s flute, and in front of Kladovo, it gently whispers an anthem in praise of nature and all the beings that live with it and from it.

Sailing on the Danube through Serbia means hearing all its verses, or choosing the ones that seem to be meant for you.


Cities of Serbia – hospitality without borders!

Choose your story!

The cities of Serbia are like numerous colourful book covers hiding different stories. Some offer a non-stop party. Others are frozen in time. Yet more are solemn and serious. There are irreparably romantic ones, but also noisy and vibrant ones, constantly on the move. Enjoy your coffee by the rivers in some of them, and in others you can indulge in cakes under the clouds. Some never sleep, and others are constantly dreamy. No matter how different they are, built by the hands of builders from all over the world at the Serbian crossroads of people and winds, they have one thing in common – they are all hospitable!

The cities of Serbia love their guests, so it’s up to you to choose the story you like. Or perhaps more than one!


Serbia – The Balkan Garden of Eden!

Choose your adventure!

When it comes to nature, Serbia has everything except the sea. As one joke says, when creating the world, God was so enamoured of Serbia, giving it rivers, mountains, plains, fertile hills, wastelands and gorges, lots of light, a mild climate, plenty of good water and herbs, forests and wild animals, that he decided not to give it the sea, because then the people from Serbia would never want to visit anywhere else in the world. Indeed, Serbia is a paradise for nature lovers, mountaineers, explorers of flora and fauna, adventurers and all those who like challenges. Like a garden of paradise, Serbia shines with the magical colours of its landscapes. Enigmatic and seductive, it charms the traveller regardless of whether they decide to just walk through its glades, peek into the enchanted caves, discover the only rainforest in Europe, or descend the rapid waters.

Nature in Serbia has the answer to all your wishes. It’s up to you to choose your adventure.


Serbia – The cultural treasure chest!

Open the chest – Find yourself, meet others!

Woven from a thousand different influences, the culture of Serbia and its cultural heritage are a unique treasure chest. In that chest, masters from the Adriatic coast meet Byzantine painters. Here, prehistoric stonemasons from Lepenski Vir and potters from Vinča compete with ancient sculptors and Celtic goldsmiths. There is also poetry embroidered with gold thread on silk, stone rosettes reflecting the eternal sun, mysterious divine geometries from Allah’s gardens, thousands of flowers from Sephardic wedding dresses and lovely dreams of naïve painters. Moravian ornaments intertwine with the Hungarian and Viennese Art Nouveau, Brutalism and classicist garlands, Renaissance porticos and Pirot carpet patterns, Eastern arabesques and Baroque carvings intertwine on Serbian buildings. Home on the road of all roads between Europe, Asia and Africa, Serbia has been filling its rich chest of cultural treasures for centuries, gathering builders, artists and craftsmen from all over the world. This is why Serbia is the place where everyone will find a piece of their own soul, a piece of their own cultural heritage, getting to know all those others who have passed through Serbia along the way.


All roads lead through Serbia!

Meet people!

Serbia’s greatest treasure is its people. Different, witty, talkative, hospitable, enterprising, full of good ideas and vibrant energy – people who love people! Serbia has many centuries of business experience, because all roads lead through Serbia. The people of Serbia have been cooperating with businessmen from all over the world since the beginning of time. At the same time, we know that work is only a part of life and that behind every job well done is a whole range of experiences – from space, through communication, to culture, food and music. That’s why meeting people is the most important thing in Serbia! The only way to feel Serbia!
