Education and school enrolment

The education system in the Republic of Serbia includes preschool education, primary and secondary education, and adult education. According to the law, every person has the right to education and training. Also, the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia stipulates that primary education is compulsory and free of charge, while secondary education is not compulsory but is also free of charge. Institutions at all levels of education can be state (public) or private.

Primary education

Primary education lasts for eight years and is divided into two cycles:

  • from 1st to 4th grade (one teacher for all subjects except foreign languages ​​and certain optional subjects),
  • from 5th to 8th grade (one teacher for each subject).

A child who is at least six and a half and at most seven and a half years old by the beginning of the school year (September 1) has to be enrolled in the first grade of primary school. The school is obliged to enrol every child from the school area. The school can also enrol a child from another school area, at the request of the parents, in accordance with the school's capabilities. A parent has the right to choose the primary school in which they want to enrol their child by submitting a request to the chosen school no later than February 1 of the year of enrolment.

There are no entrance exams for enrolling the first grade of primary school, except for primary music and ballet schools. A school psychologist performs a psychological assessment so as to assess a child's readiness to attend school. If necessary, based on the opinion of the school psychologist, enrolment can be postponed for one year. It is also possible for a child between the ages of 6 and 6.5 to enrol in the first grade if they show the necessary readiness and maturity.

Through the eScheduling option on the eGovernment portal, parents are enabled to enrol their children in the first grade of primary school online. In this way, parents complete all activities related to enrolling their child in school with a single visit to the school.

If you want your child to attend a private primary school, it is good to know that in our country there is a developed system of private primary schools with internationally certified programs such as International Baccalaureate Primary School Program or the Cambridge IGCSE System.

Secondary education

The system of secondary education in Serbia includes secondary schools of general type (gymnasiums), vocational secondary schools, art schools and military schools. Apart from certain vocational schools that last for three years, secondary education in Serbia lasts for four years. In addition to public schools, the Republic of Serbia also has a system of private secondary school education as well as a network of international secondary schools.

Secondary school is enrolled after passing the final exam in primary school. Ranking for enrolment is based on the success achieved in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades, success in the final exam and success in competitions. For specialized gymnasiums and art schools, it is necessary for the student to pass the entrance exam as well.

Enrolment in secondary schools founded by the Republic of Serbia, an autonomous province or a local self-government unit is done through the My High School portal.

If the child completed primary school abroad, it is necessary to start the procedure of recognition of the foreign primary school certificate on the website of the Qualifications Agency.

Higher education

In Serbia, higher education is carried out at nine state universities and at 21 state academies and colleges of vocational studies. Also, higher education takes place at private higher education institutions as well, which are accredited by the National Accreditation Body. You can find a list of all accredited faculties and universities in Serbia here.

The basic requirement for admission into the faculty is that you have completed a four-year secondary school. All persons with a general, vocational or art secondary school diploma have the right to higher education. Certain faculties can set more specific conditions, such as having completed a certain type of secondary school, special health capacities and other abilities, etc. You can find more details about the requirements for admission into a specific faculty on the website of the faculty you wish to enrol.

If you graduated from secondary school abroad, you need to start the procedure of recognition of your secondary school diploma on the website of the Qualifications Agency.

After graduating from the university, you receive a certificate of completed studies. The diploma issued by the university is signed by the rector of the university, so it is awarded once or twice a year to graduates who graduated in the previous year.

Before returning to Serbia, it is advisable to visit the website of the Qualifications Agency и проверите које документе је потребно да припремите док сте још у земљи из које долазите. Када стигнете у Србију, сву потребну документацију предајете лично у Агенцији за квалификације или је шаљете препорученом поштом. Ова агенција је задужена та признавање основног, средњег и високошколског образовања стеченог у иностранству.

Upon arrival in Serbia, you submit all the necessary documentation in person at the Qualifications Agency or send it by registered mail. This agency is responsible for the recognition of primary, secondary and higher education acquired abroad.
